03 January 2018

The Most Beautiful Cities In Indonesia

The 5 Most Beautiful Cities In Indonesia To Visit

       Indonesia is a country rich in nature and as obejek of international tourism. Well here are some of the most beautiful cities in Indonesia that must be your destination.

1. Denpasar Or Bali
          Who does not know Denpasar or Bali? The city that became the capital of the province of Bali is even more famous than Indonesia itself. Denpasar is a city visited by many tourists, both local and foreign tourists. Denpasar has several factors that deserve to bring it as the most beautiful city in Indonesia. In addition to its unquestionable natural scenery, especially the beaches, Denpasar is also famous for its highly viscous and unique culture. In addition, the people of Denpasar is a friendly community with tourists both domestic tourists and foreign tourists.

2. Jakarta
       Jakarta is a city with a myriad of stories this is one of the most beautiful cities in Indonesia. jakarta is the capital of indonesia. Why this can happen while we know that Jakarta is a city full of crisis, pollution, traffic jam, flood (read: flood type), and garbage everywhere. Even Jakarta is touted as the dirtiest city in Asia. After getting the predicate, this time Jakarta began to clean up little by little, especially in terms of cleanliness. Then, what is the attraction of this metropolitan city so it becomes one of the most beautiful cities in Indonesia? This beauty lies in its skyscrapers. Buildings with lots of lights can look beautiful when viewed at night from high places. Curious about the beauty of Jakarta? please visit jakarta ...

3. Yogyakarta
        Yogyakarta is a city with a million cultures and a myriad of memories of its still traditional society. Who visited Yogyakarta, must be heart to this city. Yogyakarta even crowned as the city that has the population with the highest happy index. No wonder that Yogyakarta has become one of the most beautiful cities in Indonesia. What makes this city the most beautiful city is its still-preserved culture, its unique art and customs. Because of this city's culture is still thick, then Yogyakarta is a cultural destination in Indonesia besides Bali. Lots of historical heritage buildings in Yogyakarta, ranging from museums, monuments, to the temples of the royal era. In addition, in Yogyakarta there is a palace with two very famous squares, namely the Lor Square and the South Square. In addition to tourist attractions that have a high historical value, Yogyakarta is also a place of excellence with natural scenery. It is Gunung Kidul which is one of the districts located in D.I Yogyakarta province. Not many people talk about this district because of its rather remote location in the mountains. Gunung Kidul was previously also known as an area that is not modern and growing rapidly. Until a time when the tourism sector boosted the name of this district, so as to experience a revolution towards progress. Thanks to its location on the southern coast of Java island and located in the mountains, this city has advantages in the field of natural scenery, especially the beach. beach in Gunung Kidul is different from the beaches in Yogyakarta in general. This beach in Gunung Kidul has white sand and blue sea color. Along the coast of the southern island of Java has beautiful scenery with a combination of sand, waves and coral. No wonder if Gunung Kidul has a very large beach, because every place shifts, the name of the beach is different. Nevertheless, every beach in Gunung Kidul has its own characteristics. Mountain kidul with its stunning beach scenery seemed to be a world paradise for anyone who looked at it.

4.  Bandung
         Bandung, also referred to as the City of this Beri will certainly not be missed from the list of the most beautiful cities in Indonesia. Why is that? It seems that everyone in Indonesia agrees that Bandung has a very beautiful scenery. The hills and tea plantations are mushrooming in this city as if to be a paradise for the pewisata. Bandung which has geographical location is higher than the surrounding cities have more green scenery. Especially the cool air that enveloped this city increasingly makes anyone who visited Bandung became comfortable and want to linger in this city. Plus the famous, beautifully-styled Bandung mojang as well as the handsome, handsome young man are increasingly compelling to stay in this city.
         It seems unfair if we just talk about the natural keidahan of Bandung city is the main attraction. In fact, the beauty is not only from nature, but also others. In addition to the young pemudinya interesting, cultural and culinary tourism in the city is no less drugged. Bandung is a city that witnessed the history of the struggle of the Indonesian Nation against the invaders. In fact, Bandng once occurred a very famous story, even to be immortalized in the song. It is Bandung Lautan Api, a stunning Indonesian Nation struggle to expel the invaders. No wonder if we visit to Bandung it will be a lot of historical buildings, such as museums, buildings, and monuments.
        Not only from the side of history alone, other attractions Bandung is located on the culinary tour and by- by him. This Bandung cuisine is very legendary and famous to the corners of Indonesia. Who does not know the siomay, batagor, Cilok, Cimol, Cireng and the like? Emmm, it tastes good, especially made a daily snack. because so famous not infrequently many we encounter a lot of traders who sell food typical Bandung even in cities outside Bandung or outside West Java though. In addition to food, Bandung is also very well known for its products koneksekseksi, both clothes, pants, doll bags, to shoes. All sold at very affordable prices in the bag. Many say that Bandung is a paradise of shopping in Indonesia. The mother or the girls would be very happy when visiting the city of Bandung.

5. Bukit Tinggi
           Bukit Tinggi, a city on the island of Sumatra, especially in the province of West Sumatra. Bukit Tinggi became the most beautiful city in Indonesia (read: location of astronomical Indonesia and geographical location). Who would have thought the city whose name has not been so high so this became the most beautiful city. This small town has a large population, so the density is high. Despite its high density, it has a very good and elaborate urban structure, and its complexity will not be found in other cities. What makes this city beautiful is this city has a stunning view with a mountain background (read: volcanic eruption) and also the canyon. This very famous canyon is the Sianok Gorge. Even this canyon gorge is predicted to be the second most beautiful canyon in the world after the Grand Canyon. In addition the city also has a culture that is still natural and awake. The cool (cold air and healthy air) that wraps around the city of Bukit Tinggi will add to the din of visitors for long stays in the city.

       Well, that's the city chosen as the most beautiful city in Indonesia. Actually a lot of beautiful cities in Indonesia, considering Indonesia itself has a very beautiful natural appearance. Therefore we must be proud and must be able to preserve the nature of Indonesia.Well, that's the city chosen as the most beautiful city in Indonesia. Actually a lot of beautiful cities in Indonesia, considering Indonesia itself has a very beautiful natural appearance. Therefore we must be proud and must be able to preserve the nature of Indonesia.
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